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Early Education & Care Qualifications

Apply First Aid Eden Monaro

Photo: The team updating their CPR knowledge and practice with Apply First Aid Eden Monaro

To provide quality education and care, the National Law and Regulations require every person involved in Early Education and Care with children (0-5), to hold a recognised qualification.


Certificate III in Early Education & Care

Diploma in Early Education & Care
Bachelor of Teaching (Early Education)


along with:


First Aid & CPR

Asthma and Anaphylaxis Training

Child Protection Training
(We are all Mandatory Reporters)

A valid Working with Children's Check


Holding any of these qualifications means that the graduate has completed extensive theoretical studies and applied their learnings within practical placements at a service to successfully complete and receive their qualifications.


Educators and Teachers are advised on theories, scientifically backed research and the National Quality Framework to ensure a professional approach. Educators and Teachers at SMCELC are knowledgeable about your child's cognitive, language and physical development along with social and emotional wellbeing. We are confident in what we provide to help your child grow and to recognise the need for early intervention, if required. Educator's and ECT's are able to professionally and intelligently observe, evaluate, reflect, plan and implement children's future learning.


Educators and Teachers commit to ongoing professional development and engage in numerous courses and required qualification updates such as First Aid. 


Educators and Teachers within the Early Education and Care sector are hoping for further shared understanding for the importance of what we do and to be recognised as professionals. We facilitate learning and development with purpose and meaning for the best developmental outcomes for your child. The first 5 years in a child's life mean the most! We are trained to get the most out of it!


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